in: Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, (ACNN'93), pages. A:5-8, February 1993 POSTSCRIPT

Unification in Prolog by Connectionist Models

Volker Weber
University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department, Natural Language Systems Division
D-2000 Hamburg 50, Bodenstedtstraße 16, Germany


This paper describes a connectionist unification strategy. We introduce an uncertainty measure for unification. A self-organizing feature map is used for learning a similarity measure and a relaxation-network is used for unification. The coding allows a precise representation of terms. In addition belief-values may be used to introduce uncertainty. If strict unification without uncertainty is used, correctness, completeness, and terminating of the method can be proven. The proof may be seen as a argument for the adequacy of unification with uncertainty. The system uses linear time in worst case and for sub-problems of unification, like matching or word-problem, constant time. The described strategy is able to cope with an extension to unification: It need not to check whether a variable does refer to the whole of the term (infinite unification). Unification by this net is very efficient and offers the ability to cope with uncertain data.

1 Introduction

In general unification is a technique which substitutes variables by adequate terms to make them equivalent. There is a wide field of applications for unification like database systems, knowledge acquisition, computer graphics, natural language processing, expert systems, algebra, deduction- and rewrite-systems, as well as logic programming [7, 15]. Classical symbolic unification-algorithms consist of four rules for unification and two for termination. If t1 and t2 are the terms to be unified (X variable, t term, f, g functors, x arbitrary symbol) a system R = {t1 = t2} is said to be unifyable if after termination of the algorithm the set R' equals Ø [4]:
terminating rules (have to be used, if match):

(f(...) = g(...)) in R and f ¬ = g (CLASH)
(X = t) in R and X occurs in t (OCCURRANCE)

unification rules:

(f(t11,..., t1n) =
f(t21,..., t2n)) in R
==> R' := R\(f(t11,..., t1n) = f(t21,..., t2n)) U
{t11 = t21, ..., t1n = t2n}
(x=x) in R ==> R' := R\(x=x) (TAUTOLOGY)
(X=t) in R ==> R' := {{X/t} ð | ð in R} (APPLICATION)
(t=X) in R ==> R' := R\(t=X) U {X=t} (ORIENTATION)

After the application of a unification-rule the set R' becomes again R and the algorithm iterates since R becomes Ø, or a termination rule has to be used. This rule-system seems to be rather small and to be computed efficient. Automatical theorem provers, like Prolog, spend often more than 50% of time for unification. For an efficient computation a skill selection of unification-rules is needed. Also the occur-check is very expensive. Some strategies use infinite unification which does not need to check occurrence.

There are some parallel unification-strategies but the sequential nature of unification has been shown [3, 20]. Most connectionist approaches implement only parts of unification. Also, the well known approach of Ballard [1] belongs to this category. Those of Müller, Stolcke and Hölldobler [5, 9, 16] implement unification for different purposes. Their approaches are based on symbolic strategies and implemented with a high degree of parallelism.

Our approach implements full unification. It is also possible to do infinite unification. Moreover it is possible to set fuzzy-slots which are basis for the uncertainty-management. For this it is in addition possible to fuzzy-unify terms which are similar. The system utilizes therefore a self-organizing feature-map, a relaxation-net, and a map to determine the mgu (most general unifier). The weights of the second map are given by the stable relaxation-net. The system's time-complexity is linear.

2 Representation

In our approach we use a representation similar to that of Hölldobler [5]. This representation may be called local cause there is one unit for every constant at every (argument-)position of a term. On the other hand there is no local coding of every possible term or every possible substitution (ref. [1]). We represent terms as follows: Atoms/functors (constants) are represented by a cube of vectors. Each vector represents one constant. Variables are represented by variable-vectors. All column-vectors (those of the cube and the variable-vectors) have the same number of components. Each component of a vector (or layer of the cube) represents position of a term.

Fig. 1: Coding of a term and mapping of similarities
A variable-binding is represented by corresponding activation-patterns of a variable-vector and a column-vector. For example: In fig.1 variable Y is bound to constant a/0. The depicted coding represents the term f(g(a,X)). The units of the representation are activated with values between 0.0 and 1.0 corresponding to their certainty. A self-organizing feature map is trained [8] with a symbolic metric to get a order of vectors. This order represents similarities between constants cause of the symbolic metric.

Fig. 2: Representation of similarities

3 Training the map

The chosen representation of terms allows us to use uncertainty and similarities during processing. Similarities between constants are expressed by neighborhoods in the feature map. Fig.2 shows the representation of such similarities for the following predicates:
fruit(apple). fruit(pear).
vegetable(tomato). vegetable(pea).
vegetable(bean). vegetable(carrot).
tuber(carrot). tuber(potato).
eatable(X):-fruit(X). eatable(X):-vegetable(X).
eatable(X):-tuber(X). eatable(fruit(X)).
sweet(fruit(X)). sweet(pear).
In these predicates there is a similarity between carrot/0 and potato/0. For both there is a fact tuber(...). This is represented by a direct neighborhood. The training-vectors for the feature map are determined as follows: For every occurring constant in a Prolog-system a vector is generated. This vector contains a component for every occurring constant. These components contain the number of terms, where the constant it encodes and the constant the vector encodes occur in common. The vectors are normalized over all components. Training-vectors are used by the feature map to find relationships of identical constants between different terms. Such a coding is adequate since a position in a Prolog-program is often connected to a distinct meaning. If there are different constants at the same position this constants are often used in the same context and therefore similar to some degree. Numbers of similarities between terms can be used to fix similarities between different constants. Similar constants may be members of one class. Feature maps are said to reduce high-dimensional dependencies to a lower-dimensionality conserving many similarities.

4 A hybrid theorem prover

Using the described representation and training of the feature map a hybrid theorem prover named l-CUP (local Connectionist Unifying Prolog) was built. It is part of the system CUP [19] containing several symbolic algorithms and a distributed strategy (d-CUP [18]). The theorem-prover itself is a symbolic system. If the system needs to calculate a mgu the currently selected unification-strategy is invoked.

Fig. 3: Relaxation network
The coding of two terms is presented to a relaxation-net (fig.3). After relaxation the variable-vectors are matched into the net to determine the binding. To make use of unification with uncertainty the units of the representation are initialized to values between 0.0 and 1.0. If uncertainty is used also units in the neighborhood are initialized. The certainty can be controlled from the symbolic system by fuzzy slots. A fuzzy slot is defined by the predicate: cup_fuzzy_slot(Fuzzy variable, Fuzzy term, Belief). It gives every term compatible with the fuzzy variable a particular belief-value in a context which is compatible with the fuzzy term. The system is divided in two phases: The analysis-phase, where a program has to be analyzed, a coding takes place, and the system is trained. In the unification-phase the network can be used during a symbolic-proof.

4.1 Analysis-phase

After the consultation of a Prolog-program the training vectors are encoded and the relaxation-net (fig.3) is constructed. The map is trained and the order of the constants is mapped to the column-vectors of the relaxation-net (fig.1).

4.2 Unification-phase

The unification-step in l-CUP is based on the coding described in sec.2. Terms to be unified are encoded in the same net and the same variable-vectors by superposition of activations. Superposition is done by activating a unit with the maximum of activations. The relaxation-net computes the weights of a second feature map. Activations of units of the stable relaxation-net represent weights of the map.

Connection structure of the relaxation-net

Units of components of variable-vectors propagate their activations to the units of the position-pairs: There is a unit uPx,y in the position-pairs for every pair (x, y) of different layers a unit uPx,y. The units of the components x and y of a variable-vector (ß in V) are connected to a minimum-unit umß(x,y) which is connected itself to a unit uPx,y:




:= 1, iff (x' in {x, y}) and (ß in V)
A minimum-unit umß(x,y) is connected to a unit of the position-pairs uPx,y:





:= 1, iff (x = x') and (y = y')
A unit uPx,y indicates, that two positions x and y have to be unified. There are also connections between units of the position-pairs. Such a connection exists from a unit uPx,y to a unit uPx.z,y.z (fig.





:= 1, iff (x' = x.z) and (y' = y.z)
For every two components x and y of a column-vector ß there is a maximum-unit uMß(x,y). Every uMß(x,y)-unit is connected to the component x of a column-vector ß. The threshold of uMß(x,y) is given by the activation of unit uPx,y:




:= 1, iff (x' in {x, y}) and (ß' = ß)




:= 1, iff (y' in {x, y}) and (ß' = ß)
In all other cases the units are not connected.

Activation-functions of the relaxation-net

The activation of a component of the column-vector is computed by:
) := max(w




* a

)) for all y,z.
This means that the activation of a component x of a column-vector ß is computed based on the activations of the maximum-units. The minimum-units, whose activation may be seen as a signal for the same variable occurring in different positions, have an initial activation of 2. Its activation is computed from the activations of the corresponding components x and y of a variable-vector ß:

) :=
) , iff

< w




* a
<= w




* a
) , iff

< w




* a
< w




* a
2, otherwise
The activations of the units of the position-pairs are used as thresholds for the maximum-units. To prohibit an activation of maximum-units without the activation of two corresponding units of the variable-vector they are initialized to 2. The activation of the uPx,y-unit decreases if the two corresponding components of the variable-vector ß are active, or activation from other units of the position-pairs is propagated:

) :=

) ,





* a

) ,





* a

for all ß, x', y'
The maximum-unit is initialized to 0. Its activation-function is given by:

) :=




) , iff

(y'=x) and a

<= w




* a
>= w




* a
) , iff

(y'=y) and a

<= w




* a
> w




* a
0, otherwise
This activation-function allows the maximum-unit uMß(x,y) to get the maximum of the activation of the units u(x,ß) and u(y,ß) if it is above the activation of the uPx,y-unit.

The net utilizes a synchron update.

Determine stable state

The activation of a unit of the position-pairs changes if two units of a variable-vector are active, or an activation through the units of the position-pairs takes place. It follows that the activations of the units of the position-pairs are changed if the stable state is not reached. Therefore only the units of the position-pairs have to be tested for a stable state. The activation of the units of the position-pairs can only decrease or become stable. Their lowest activity is 0. Therefore the net is at least stable if the activity of all position-pair-units is 0.

Determine the mgu

If the net reaches a stable state the variable-vectors are matched through all column-vectors. Two corresponding vectors indicate a variable-binding. All variable-bindings form the mgu.

Determine non unifyability

So far it was not mentioned that two terms might not be unifyable. The two terminating-rules CLASH and OCCURRENCE are easy to integrate into the relaxation net. If someone likes to do infinite unification the OCCURRENCE-unit uO is not needed. A CLASH is indicated by an activation which exceeds 1 as the sum over all units of a layer (fig.4). OCCURRENCE is determined by activating two units of the position-pairs, where one decodes an position which represents a sub-term of the other (fig.4).


How to prove correctness

The correctness and completeness of the method can be proven by a mapping to the unification-rules. This is sufficient for a proof cause the correctness and completness of the unification-rules are proven. We introduce CLASH- and OCCURRENCE-units by name. These units do in fact the same as the corresponding rules. The system needs no ORIENTATION-rule cause there is no orientation in the representation. The DECOMPOSITION-rule may be found in the representation where the same position in different terms activates units in the same layer. TAUTOLOGY is represented by the activation of the same unit by two different terms and APPLICATION by activation of units of a variable-vector and of a column-vectors in the same components. The method terminates always cause the relaxation-net will reach a stable state. A detailed proof can be found at Weber [19].

5 Discussion

We first tested l-CUP's speed. The results for the time consumption are based on five different methods. We examined 64,458 unifications during the proof of queries made with a Prolog-based library-database-system containing about 7,000 clauses. Fig.5 shows the consumed time for different unification algorithms in a logarithmically scaled form. 100% for the square-time method are 26,715,102 unification steps. The result for d-CUP seems to be better but we should point out that it is a heuristic which does approximate unification and might fail.

Fig.5: Comparison of time-consumption
l-CUP is able to do (extended) unification. Among the connectionist unification methods only Müller, Stolcke and Hölldobler's implement complete unification [5, 9, 16]. Hölldobler's method has also the ability to deal with infinite unification but it is not able to deal with uncertainty.

Stolcke mentioned that activations of a connectionist unification net could be used as signals for uncertainty [16, p.88]. A similar idea also appears in Shastri [13, p.339]. The approach of Stolcke shows the relationship between term-unification, which is done in Prolog, and unification based grammar formalisms. Natural language processing grammar formalisms are often used independently from context. Such a method is syntactically plausible but misses the ability of fault-tolerant analysis. Rules which introduce semantic information promise to improve this. Such extra knowledge is often added to grammars by declarative descriptions [11]. Declarative rules are only capable for cases which are known. A connectionist method which introduces similarity and uncertainty to unification might be able to deal with inconsistent, ill-formed and elliptic input.

As unification has a sequential nature [3] it is highly unlikely that there is a strict unification method which computes a mgu in constant time. l-CUP computes the mgu in linear time and belongs therefore to the fastest unification methods.

6 Conclusion

A connectionist model for unification has been introduced. The model is able to compute a mgu in linear time and belongs therefore to the fastest unification methods. The model is able to do infinite unification. Moreover the ability to deal with uncertainty during unification is given. The use of uncertainty-unification can be controlled from the hybrid theorem prover. For this the correctness, terminating, and completeness of the strategy doing strict unification can be proved. Furthermore such a prove can be seen as a good argument for the adequacy of the uncertainty-management. Classical methods do not have a natural equivalence to this option. Such mechanisms could be used in information retrieval, data base systems or natural language systems.

7 Acknowledgements

This work has been partly supported by the ``Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-Ha 1026/6-1)''. We also would like to thank R. Hannuschka, U. Hartmann, M. Mandischer, and S. Wermter for their encourragement.


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