Have a look on some pictures of me Volker Weber
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Projects Projects:
Research Research interests:
Unification-based Parsing, Connectionism
4flow-member since:
1. April 2001
Curriculum vitae:
My Publications Publications:
[Amtrup/Hauenstein/Pyka/Weber/Wermter 1994]
Jan Willers Amtrup; Andreas Hauenstein; Claudius Pyka; Volker Weber, Stefan Wermter. An outline of the Verbmobil project with focus on the work at the University of Hamburg. In P. Mc Kevitt, editor, Proceedings of the AAAI-94 Workshop on Integration of Natural Language and Speech Processing. (Seattle, Washington, USA), August 1994.
[Amtrup/Weber 1998]
Jan Willers Amtrup; Volker Weber. Time Mapping with Hypergraphs. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98). (Montreal, Canada), August 1998.
[Hannuschka/Hartmann/Mandischer/Weber 1990]
Hannuschka, Ruth; Uwe Hartmann; Martin Mandischer; Volker Weber. Steuerung von logischen Beweisen mit konnektionistischen Modellen. In A. Ultsch, editor, Kopplung deklarativer und konnektionistischer Wissensrepräsentation. Technical Report 352, pp. 37-89, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, April 1990.
[Ultsch/Hannuschka/Hartmann/Weber 1990a]
Ultsch, Alfred; Ruth Hannuschka; Uwe Hartmann; Volker Weber Learning of control knowledge for symbolic proofs with backpropagation networks. In R. Eckmiller; G. Hartmann; G. Hauske, editors, Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, pp. 499-502, (Düsseldorf, FRG), North-Holland: Amsterdam, March 1990.
[Ultsch/Hannuschka/Hartmann/Mandischer/Weber 1990b]
Ultsch, Alfred; Ruth Hannuschka; Uwe Hartmann; Martin Mandischer; Volker Weber Connectionist Represented Control Knowledge. In Proceedings of the third Neuro-Nimes, pp. 559--561, (Nimes, FRA), November 1990.
[Ultsch/Hannuschka/Hartmann/Mandischer/Weber 1991a]
Ultsch, Alfred; Ruth Hannuschka; Uwe Hartmann; Martin Mandischer; Volker Weber. Optimizing symbolic proofs with connectionist networks. In T. Kohonen; K. Mäkisara; O. Simula; J. Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 585-590, (Helsinki, SF), North-Holland: Amsterdam, June 1991.
[Ultsch/Hannuschka/Hartmann/Mandischer/Weber 1991b]
Ultsch, Alfred; Ruth Hannuschka; Uwe Hartmann; Martin Mandischer; Volker Weber Control of PROLOG-proofs with connectionist networks (Sterowanie logicznym dowodzeniem w jezyku PROLOG z uzyciem modelu powiazan sieciowych). In M. Bazewicza, editor, Architektura i technologia systemów informatycznych (Information Systems Architecture and technologies) ISAT'91, pp. 175-183, (Wroclaw, PL), Politechnika Wroclaw, 1991.
[Weber 1989]
Weber, Volker. Wissensbasiserte Hilfesysteme. In K.-D. Kreplin, editor, Elemente des Dialogentwurfs, SWT-Memo 30, pp. 78-94, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, Softwaretechnology Divison, 1989.
[Weber 1990a]
Weber, Volker. Boltzmann Maschine. In T. Bäck; H.-P. Schwefel, editors, Adaptive Lernstrategien, pp. 108-121, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, Systemanalysis Divison, 1990.
[Weber 1990b]
Weber, Volker. Pandämonium. In A. B. Cremers; A. Ultsch, editors, Neurocomputing - Foundations of Research, pp. 69-83, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, Databasesystems Divison, 1990.
[Weber 1992a]
Weber, Volker. Unifikation in Prolog mit konnektionistischen Modellen. Master's thesis, University of Dortmund, February 1992.
[Weber 1992b]
Weber, Volker Connectionist unification with a distributed representation. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN'92, pp. 555-560, (Beijing, China), INNS & IEEE NNC, November 1992
[Weber 1993a]
Weber, Volker. 1993. Connectionist unifying Prolog. In R. F. Albrecht; C. R. Reeves; N. C. Steele, editors, Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, pp. 213-220, (Innsbruck, Austria), Springer Verlag: Wien, April 1993 .
[Weber 1993b]
Weber, Volker. Unification in Prolog by connectionist models. In Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, ACNN'93, pp. A:5-8, (Melbourne, Australia), SEDAL: Sydney, February 1993.
[Weber/Wermter 1995a]
Weber, Volker, Wermter, Stefan. Towards Learning Semantics of Spontaneous Dialog Utterances in a Hybrid Framework. In J. Hallam, editor, Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions, pp. 229-238, (Sheffield, UK), IOS Press: Amsterdam, April 1995.
[Weber/Wermter 1996a]
Weber, Volker, Wermter, Stefan. Using hybrid connectionist learning for speech/language analysis. In Connectionist, Statistical and Symbolic Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing, pp. 87-101, Springer Verlag: Berlin, March 1996.
[Weber/Wermter 1996b]
Weber, Volker, Wermter, Stefan. Artificial Neural Networks for Repairing Language. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications (NEURAP'95/96), pp. 117-123, (Marseille, FRA), March 1996.
[Wermter/Weber 1994a]
Wermter, Stefan, Weber, Volker. Learning fault-tolerant speech parsing with SCREEN. In Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94). pp. 670-675, Seattle, Washington, July/August 1994. (This article has further been published as [Wermter/Weber 1994b]).
[Wermter/Weber 1994b]
Wermter, Stefan, Weber, Volker, Learning fault-tolerant speech parsing with SCREEN. Verbmobil-Report 16, University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department, Natural Language Systems Division, Hamburg, FRG, Juni 1994. (This article was originaly published as [Wermter/Weber 1994a]).
[Wermter/Weber 1996]
Wermter, Stefan, Weber, Volker. Artificial Neural Networks for Automatic Knowledge Acquisition in Multiple Real--World Langauge Domains. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications (NEURAP'95/96), (Marseille, FRA), March 1996.
[Wermter/Weber 1996a]
Wermter, Stefan, Weber, Volker. Interactive Spoken-Language Processing in a Hybrid Connectionist System. In IEEE Computer - Theme Issue on Interactive Natural Language Processing, volume 6, no. 7, pp. 65-74, July 1996. (This article has further been published as [Wermter/Weber 1996b]).
[Wermter/Weber 1996b]
Wermter, Stefan, Weber, Volker. Spoken Language Processing in the Hybrid Connectionist Architecture SCREEN. Verbmobil-Report 138, University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department, Natural Language Systems Division, Hamburg, FRG, July, 1996. (This article was originaly published as [Wermter/Weber 1996a]).
[Wermter/Weber 1997]
Wermter, Stefan, Weber, Volker. SCREEN: Learning a Flat Syntactic and Semantic Spontaneous Language Analysis using Artificial Neural Networks. In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, volume 6, pp. 35-85, 1997.

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